OptiTrack Motion Capture – A technique to liven up stage

In the present world, anything can happen. Even a stage gets enliven. To create this vibrant atmosphere, VYV’s team of scientists and technical artists are combining real-time performer tracking, computer vision techniques and projection mapping to produce some of the most technically ambitious and visually spectacular live performances in the world.

The VYV team builds a virtual or small-scale version of each expected stage to facilitate various effects and tricks allowing show producers to see how the content will play out on stage in advance, and alter as needed. Once technical details are finalised, VYV get the things accordingly. Custom infrared (IR) emitters located on projection surfaces, which range from a performer’s attire to flat panels and giant inflatable, are tracked by OptiTrack motion capture cameras generally Prime Series models.

OptiTrack creates the highest performing 3D tracking hardware and software available today and has become the largest motion capture provider in the world. By delivering the best 3D precision, simpler real time workflows, on-site manufacturing enabling the industry’s lowest pricing, and free and open developer access, it has become the favorite of industry leaders in game and film production, university education and research, engineering, life science, sports performance and injury prevention, and many others.

The stage for concert tours of many renowned celebrities had been designed by using the technique which proved to be successful and created mesmerizing effect.

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